Role & Function :

The Craftsmen Training Scheme was introduced by the Government of India in 1950 to ensure a steady flow of skilled workers in different trades for the domestic industry, to raise quantitatively and qualitatively the industrial production by systematic training, to reduce unemployment among the educated youth by providing them employable training, to cultivate and nurture a technical and industrial attitude in the minds of the younger generation. The Scheme, the most important in the field of Vocational Training, has been shaping craftsmen to meet the existing as well as future manpower need, through the vast network of it is in the various states/union territories in the country. The day-to-day administration of ITIs under the Craftsmen Training Scheme was transferred to the state governments/union territory administrations with effect from the year 1956. From 1st April, 1969, the financial control of the Industrial Training Institutes in the States as well as in the Union territories has been transferred to the respective State Governments/Union Territories. The financial assistance is granted to them in the form of bulk grant in consultation with the Planning Commission and the Ministry of Finance.


The objects of the scheme are:

  1. To ensure a steady flow of skilled workers in different trades for the industry.
  2. To raise the quality and quantity of industrial production by systematic training of workers.
  3. To reduce unemployment among the educated youth by equipping them for suitable industrial employment.

The Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Sohra came into existence in Sohra Civil Sub- Division Sohra in the year 2010.


Functions and duties of govt. Industrial training institute, sohra are:

  1. State Council for Vocational Training : There are State Councils corresponding to the National council to deal all matters relating to Vocational training at the level of the State.


      ( a ) Object : The State Council which is affiliated to the National Council for Vocational Training functions as a state agency to advise the State Government in carrying out the training policy laid down by the National Council and to co-ordinate the Vocational training Programme throughout the State.


      ( b ) Functions : The functions of the State Council are:

      1. To carry out the policy of the National Council with regard to the award of National Trade Certificates in engineering and non-engineering trades as may be brought within its scope by the Central or State Government.
      2. To implement the decision and carry out the policy laid down by the National Council in respect of syllabi, equipment, scale of accommodation, duration of courses and method of training.
      3. To establish State Board of Examination in Vocational trades.
      4. To arrange for adhoc or periodical inspection of the training institutes/centres in the State and ensure that the standards prescribed by the National Council are  being followed.
      5. To co-opt, if necessary, any person or persons to advise the State Council in connection with its work.
      6. To ensure that the staff is employed according to the qualifications prescribed by the National Council and relax qualifications in special circumstances to be recorded, for trades where such staff is not easily available.
      7. To ensure that the examinations are conducted by the State Board of Examinations according to standards and the manner prescribed by the National Council.
      8. To counter-sign and issue the National Trade Certificates to successful candidates.
      9. To recommend the provision of additional training programmes as may be necessary.
      10. To advise the State Government regarding expenditure on different training schemes.
      11. To perform such other functions as may be entrusted to it by the State government.


      ( c ) Board of Examinations : The State Council shall constitute a Board of Examination as a committee of the State Council, which shall perform the following functions:

      1. To constitute a Local Board of Examination at each examination centre.
      2. To co-opt outside experts on Local Board of Examination as and when necessary.
      3. To make necessary arrangements for the proper conduct of examinations including the provision of raw materials, answer books and other stationery at the examination centre.
      4. To fix the scale of remuneration of the outside experts on the Local Board Examination and arrange payment thereof.
      5. To ensure compliance with the standards prescribed by the National Council for the conduct of the examination.
      6. To declare final results.
      7. To submit a yearly report to the State Council regarding its activities and to suggest measures for effecting improvements.

  2. Local Advisory Committees for Institutes/Centres:-
      (a) Local Advisory Committees should be attached to training institutes/centres to study the needs of industry in the region served by the centre and suggest measures to adopt the training programmes to meet local needs. The Committee will consist of the following members:

      1. Principal of the  training institute/centre.
      2. Two representatives of the local industry.
      3. One representative of labour.
      4. Local employment officers.


      (b) There should be constructive collaboration between Institute and Industries for bringing out improvement in quality of the training and maintenance of machinery in it is. Therefore, representation of industries in the Local Advisory Committees should be adequate and meaningful

  3. Admission for ITIs :The admissions in the ITIs  are to be made purely on merit, based on the marks secured by the candidates in the public examinations based on the minimum qualifications prescribed for the respective trade


      (a) The educational qualification varies from Class VIII passed to Class XII passed depending upon the trades. The duration of training varies from 1 to 2 years.


      (b) Age : The candidates of 14-25 years of age as on the date of start of admission session are eligible.


      (c) Age Relaxation : Relaxation of upper age limit up to 45 years in case of servicemen.


      (d) The upper age limit of physically handicapped candidates has been relaxed by 10 years and kept as 35 years on the date of start of        admission session.


      (e) Fees for Application Form and Registration.

      1. Application form              5/- (Rupees Five) only.
      2. Registration Fee               10/- (Rupees Ten) only.

      (f) Mode of Selection: Admission will be made purely on merit based on the marks secured by the candidates in the public examination of the minimum qualification prescribed for the respective trade

  4. Working Hours:

      (a) Practical Instruction – 28 hours per week.


      (b) Theoretical Instruction – 10 hours per week out of which ,

      1. Trade Theory                                                     4 hours per week.
      2. Workshop Calculation and Science             2 hours per week.
      3. Engineering Drawing                                      2 hours per week.
      4. Social Studies                                                  2 hours per week.

  5. Award of Stipend : –

      (i) Trainees with qualification of Class VIII passed were awarded 350/- (Rupees Three hundred fifty) as stipend per month.

      (ii) Trainees with qualification of class XII passed were awarded 400/- (Rupees Four hundred) as stipend per month.

Organisational setup :

Sl. No. Name Designation Powers & Duties Mobile No/Tel.No Address
1.Shri. B. SawkmieVice Principal

1.To see that all correspondences and official functions of the office are taken up and completed on time.

2.Ensure that training programmes are carried out according to schemes.

3.Raw materials are purchased in time and duly supplied.

4. Machine and equipment are properly maintained.

5. Manufactured products are properly accounted for and disposed of in accordance with the rules and instructions issued from time to time.

6.Proper discipline is maintained in the institute.

7. Ensure that there is close relationship between the trainees and the instructional staff.

8. Proper follow-up is maintained of the passed out trainees.

9. Proper facilities are made available to the inspection staff of the State Directorate, DGE&T and other authorized bodies.

10. Ensure that proper security arrangements are maintained and safety precaution observed.

11. Ensure that all the instructions issued to him by the higher authorities are properly and expeditiously carried out.

12. Ensure that accounts are maintained properly, stores are properly accounted for and verified periodically, and the purchases are according to specification and in good condition.



Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Sohra, Pynshadkhurai, Sohra.
2.Smti. I. KharbuliPlumber Instructor

1.Taking of class of trainees in theory and practice according to the prescribed syllabus and graded exercises.

2 . Maintenance of attendance register, progress cards, raw material register, tool and equipment register, manufacturing register and other sectional record in accordance with the instructions.

3 . Checking and correcting of theory notes, practical work and journals of trainees.

4 . Preparing charts, drawing and other visual aid material for the section.

5 . Ensuring that the machines in the section are in good working condition and are properly cleaned at the closing time daily.

6 . Requisition of tools and raw material required for the section.

7 . Ensuring close relationship with the trainees and

8 . Attending to leave applications of trainees.

3.Smti. G. RaniWireman Instructor (Tempo)
Same as above
4.Smti. S. SuchiangSocial Studies Instructor (Tempo)
Same as Above
5Smti. L. ShabongL.D.A. cum-Typist

1. Establishment works etc.

2. Receive all letters and issue outgoing letters, maintaining stamps record and computerized typing of all day today correspondences and preparation of bills etc.

6.Smti. L. NongstengPeon

1.Attend to the Vice Principal.

2. Present Bills to the Bank/Treasury collect T.V. Nos.

3. Deliver DAK to other offices, Post letters and register Daks.

7.Smti. M. BasaiawmoitStore keeperMaintaining records of training materials 
8.Smti. C. NongrumWorkshop Attendant Assist during Practical classes 
9.Shri. N. NongrumChowkidarHe is responsible for the safety and security of the office and all Government property within the office and its infrastructure. 

Number Of Trainees Per Trade W.E.F September, 2011:

  1. The Wireman Trade is the first trade introduces in Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Sohra and the Number of Trainees for the 2yr Course trade 2011-2013 is 14.
  2. In the year 2012, Plumber trade is introduces in Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Sohra and the Number of Trainees for 1yr course trade 2012-2013 is 13.
  3. In the year 2013, both Wireman and Plumber trainees have to appear the State Council  for Vocational Training (SCVT) Examination. Number of Trainees to be appeared for the Examination to be held in July, 2013 is:

      (i) Wireman – 5 Nos.

      (ii)Plumber  – 6 Nos.

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