Inauguration of Tourist Hub at Arwah Lumshynna, Pdengshnong, Sohra, 25th Oct 2014
Arwah Lum Shynna Tourist Hub located at Pdeng Shnong, about 52 Kms from Shillong, being inagurated as an alternative source of employment and improvement of the economy of the local community with the support of Soil and Water Conservation Deptt., Govt. of Meghalaya

Shri.S.C. Marak, Chairman, State Planning Board Meghalaya, inaugurating the Arwah Lumshynna, Tourist Hub
Inauguration of the Arwah Lumshynna Tourist Hub
Unveiling of the plaque
Hon'ble Deputy Chief Minister, Shri.Rowell Lyngdoh, delivering speech
Shri.S.C. Marak, Chairman, State Planning Board Meghalaya, delivering speech
Shri.S.Dhar, Minister, PWD, delivering speech
Shri.T.W.Chyne, MLA Sohra, delivering speech
Smt.L.Diengdoh, Commissioner & Secretary, i/c Soil & Water Conservation Deptt., Meghalaya
Smt.S.N.Marak, Joint Secretary, Soil & Water Conservation Deptt., Meghalay, Delivering Speech
Shri.F.Syiem, Syiem of Sohra, delivering speech
Shri.K.Diengdoh, Headman, Pdengshnong, Sohra, delivering speech
Shri.D.Langstieh, Director, Soil & Water Conservation Deptt., Meghalaya, delivering speech
Dances to entertain the audience
Dances to entertain the audience
A section of the audience
Sur Nylla Cultural Group, presenting their song
Cave at Arwah Lumshynna
Cave at Arwah Lumshynna
Tourist View Point