Caves and Monoliths in Sohra
The Khasi monoliths are stones erected in memory of their ancestors and local heroes who died in battles . Many such monoliths are scattered in the region and one can see them lying unnoticed and un-cared for along the remote stretches. On the way to Mawsmai caves from Cherrapunje, a few of them are cordoned off and marked with signboard in a cluster. Krem Mawmluh Cave, located at a distance of around half a kilometre to west of Cherrapunjee, is one of the prominent tourist attractions of the destination. In the entire Indian sub-continent this cave is considered as a fourth longest cave with a height of 4,503 m. The entry to this cave is located at a height of 10 ft above sea level. In addition, there is a pool inside the cave, which is formed as a result of five different rivers finding their way inside the cave.

The shape of this stone is just like a cone-sized basket upside-down. One may see the plain lands, rivers, agricultural fields of our neighboring country Bangladesh from the viewpoint here.
Khoh Ramhah (The Giant Cone)
Located at Laittyra Village in the south-eastern side of sohra which is about 7-8 km from Sohra Market. Khasi legend says that, once upon a time there lived a giant who used to torture the villagers. One day the villagers conspired to kill the giant and served him a meal with nails hidden inside. The giant died and the basket which he left on the ground became a big stone.
Mawbynna (Monoliths) at Mawsmai
Located at Mawsmai Village about 5 km south from the Sohra Market, these stones can be seen within the village itself and is located on the entrance to the cave.