The Nongsawlia Presbyterian Church
The Nongsawlia Presbyterian Church is the first established Christian church in Meghalaya. It was established in the year 1846. The Presbyterian Church of Wales known at that time as the "The Calvinistic Methodist Church of Wales" sent the first Missionary to Khasi Hills, Rev. Thomas Jones-I and his young Wife Anne Thomas.more...

Don Bosco Shrine
The Salesians all over the worls are celebrating the first century of Don Bosco's death in 1998. Being the premier shrine of Don Bosco in India, Cherrapunji too plans to promote devotion to Don Bosco, the saint of the young, by making known his pastoral and educational zeal for the young, more...
Cherra Teachers' Training Center
The Cherra Teachers' Training Center established at Nongsawlia, Sohra is the oldest Teachers' Training Institution in the State of Meghalaya. Its Origin can be traced back to those da ys when the present North Eastern States was a part of the then East Bengal Province.The Cherra Teacher's Training Centre is the project of the Khasi-Jaintia Presbyterian Assembly.more...
British Cemetry
Located in Dongskul locality of Saitsohpen, Sohra lies the British Cemetry (locally known as 'jingtep phareng') wherein eighteen British Officials of the East India Company (1830-1866) lay buried. Almost all of the graves had an epitaph on them but only few had stood the test of time. One such was that of Surgeon J. Duncan M.D.

Monument Of David Scott
A commemorative monument has been erected in Saitsohpen, Sohra in rememberance of David Scott, Agent to the Governor General, North East Frontier of Bengal and Commissioner of Revenue and Circuit in the districts of Assam who expired on 20th August 1931. A glowing tribute eulogised by the British Raj goes
"By his demise the government has been deprived of a most zealous, able and intelligent servant, whose loss it deeply laments, while his name will long be held in grateful remembrance and veneration by the native population, [Come ON!!! Absolutely wrong!!!] to whom he was justly endeared by his impartial dispensation of justice."

A mountain railway that existed 125 years ago
Meghalaya does not have a rail link at present but around 125 years ago people from this quaint hill-station made memorable journeys on one of the most romantic mountain railways of the world - the Cherra Companyganj State Railways (CCSR). The CCSR a contemporary of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR) was aimed at connecting Kolkata and Shillong through the plains of what is now Bangladesh. While the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway is currently on the World Heritage list, the CCSR has been relegated to the pages of history. The CCSR in Meghalaya was opened to traffic on June 6, 1886.more...