About :
The office of the Executive Engineer, Public Works Department, Roads, Sohra Division, Sohra, was created dated back in 2003 with objectives to cater and providing roads connectivity to the different localities, villages under its jurisdiction. The roads communication is one of the most essential requirements for development which is dealt with this organisation.
The Division has two subordinate offices (Sub-Divisional Offices) in-charge of the Sub-Divisional Officers –
1. Sohra Sub-Division and
2. Shella Sub Division.
The Sohra Sub-Division has the jurisdiction to look after roads communication relating to construction and maintenance right from Umtyngar to whole of Sohra town. Shella Sub-Division having the jurisdiction from Mawsmai – Shella – Ichamati – Bholaganj road.
Organisational Setup :
Sl. | Names | Designation | Contact Nos |
1. | Shri K.B. Makdoh | Executive Engineer, PWD(Roads) Sohra Division, Sohra. | 03637235212(O), 8974004522 (M) |
2. | Shri.B. Chyne, | Sub-Divisional Officer, PWD(Roads), Sohra Sub-Division No. I, Shella. |
94361 03691 (M) |
3. | Shri. B.R.Warjri | Sub-Divisional Officer, PWD(Roads), Sohra Sub-Division No. II, Sohra. | 9863082033 (M) |
4. | Shri. M.Sawian | Sub-Divisional Officer, (T/C), Sohra Division, Sohra |
9856041480 (M) |
E- Mail : pwdsohradivision(at)gmail[dot]com |
Major Project And Schemes Undertaken :
Sl No. | Name of Schemes | AA No. & Date | Sanctioned Cost (in lakhs) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 | Construction of a Road from Lad Mawphlang to Mawphlang (0.55 Km) | AA/PW/WR/430/2000/3, Dt. 31/3/2001 | * |
10TH PLAN "5054" GENERAL | |||
1 | MBT including Improvement of a Road from Laitkynsew to Mawmyrsiang Tiewlieh (2.20 Km) | AA/PW/WR/218/2006/03, Dt. 31/3/2006 | * |
2 | Strenthening of pavement of Mawlong - Mawshamok Road (6.40 Km) | AA/PW/WR/, Dt. 31/3/2007 | * |
3 | Construction of a Road from Lad Sohbar Mahadev Road to Byrong via Wahjain. (0-5th km) | AA/PW/WR/265/2000/11, Dt. 31/3/05 | * |
4 | Construction including MBT of a road from Southern Cherra Bazaar to Pommalang. (0.80 km) | AA/PW/WR/400/2006/3, Dt. 31/3/06 | * |
5 | Improvement including MBT of a road from 28th Km of Shillong - Cherra road to Tirot Singh Memorial School including Parking Places (0.12 km) | AA/PW/WR/381/2006/3, Dt. 31/3/06 | * |
6 | Improvement including MBT of a road in Cherra Town approach road to connect Khliehshnong Community Hall (0.15 km) | AA/PW/WR/551/2006/3, Dt. 31/3/06 | * |
10TH PLAN "4552 NEC " |
1 | Impt./Upgradation of Cherra Mawsmai Shella Road (40.00 Km) | PW/NEC/1/2002/26, Dt. 11/10/06 | * |
10TH PLAN "5054" RIDF IX |
1 | Const. of Major Bridge over river Umiam at Shella to connect Mawsmai - Shella and Balat Road | AA/PW/WR/35/2004/9-A, Dt. 31/3/04 | * |
11TH Plan "5054" GENERAL |
1 | Construction of Strong railing etc at Mawmluh Mawshamok Road (10.47 km) | AA/PW/WR/111/2006/6, Dt. 26/3/08 | * |
2 | Strengthening, impt i/c MBT of a Road from Bholaganj to Nongjri i/c Const. of major bridge at Tharia over river Wahrew (Consultancy) | PW/SW/NLCPR/6/082009/9, Dt. 31/03/09 | * |
11TH Plan "5054" NLCPR |
1 | Const. of remaining portion of Mawsahew Nongsteng Umblai Mawphu Road (8.00 km) | PW/SW/NLCPR/6/05/106, Dt. 27/02/09 | * |
1 | Metalling and Black Topping to double lane of Jatap - Umsong Shella Road from 0.00 Km to 5.10 Km including widening of the remaining portion from Ch. 4000.00m - 5100.00m (1.100 Km) | - | * |
2 | Metalling and Black topping including construction of Hume pipe Culverts at Ichamati - Bhollaganj Road 9.60 Km (Remaining portion from Ch : 2200.00m of 3rd Km to 10th Km) | - | * |
3 | Improvement including Metalling and Black Topping of Mustoh - Shella Road (6.30 Km) | - | * |
4 | Construction of a Road from 5th Km of Road from Sohbar to Byrong via Wahjain to connect at 4th Km of Ichamati - Bholaganj Road ( L= 6.00 Km ) | - | * |
1 | Construction of a Road from Mawsahew to Khliehpyndemdkhar via Mawkawir village including MBT (2.210 Km) | AA/PW/WR/250/96/3, Dt. 31/3/97 | * |
2 | Construction of a Road from Mawsmai - Ryngud to Lyngngar Village (0.556 Km) | PW/WR/530/2006/3, Dt. 31/03/06 | * |
3 | Improvement including MBT of a Road in Cherra Town, extension to Pdengshnong Community Hall. | PW/WR/25/2006/3. Dt. 31/03/06 | * |
A.C.A. |
1 | Construction of Mawlieh Umplomplom Road including MBT (1.50 Km) | AA/PW/WR/21/2005/3, Dt. 31/3/05 | * |
1 | Construction i/c MBT of a Road in Lower Cherra to avoid congestion link from Police Station to Sohra C.H.C (0.260 Km) | AA.PW/WR/83/2002/11, Dt. 31/03/2004 | * |
2 | MBT of Laitkynsew Mustoh Road (0-6km) | AA/PW/WR/273/2000/19, Dt. 31/3/04 | * |
3 | Construction of passing places and strong Guard Wall at Mawshamok - Laitkynsew Road (3.00 Km) | AA.PW/WR/217/2006/3, Dt. 31/03/06 | * |
Reports / Publication :
Press Release / Announcements :
As per anouncement of Govt. Tenders.
Govternment Tenders etc. :
No. SD/TB/CS/10/2009-10/2060-68, dt. 13.10.2009 | Restoration of damaged Roadside berm due to laying of O.F Cable line by Deptt. Of Telecommunication under Sohra Division, Sohra. | Copy of NIT forwarded to :
Photo Gallery :
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* Detailed information maybe acquired from the concerned Office.