Organisational setup :
The Block Development Officer is the controlling Officer, who looks after the work of different sections with in this Block. There are five sections in this Block which are listed as follows:-
Sections |
Description |
1. Engineering Section:- | In this section there is one Assistant Engineer, one Junior Engineer and one Sectional Assistant. These are responsible for preparation of plans and Estimates, measurement of works. They are mainly involved in Technical works. |
2. Veterinary Section:- | In this section there is only one A.H & Vety officer and 1(one) V.F.A . They mainly looks after all matters related to the Department within this Block and is responsible for treatment and Vaccination of livestock and poultry, implementation of Departmental schemes. |
3. Agricultural Section:- | In this section there is only one Agriculture Development Officer, who looks after all matters related to the Department within this Block. |
4. Accounts Section:- | In this section, there is 1 (0ne) Accountant, 1 (one) Assistant Accountant and 1 (one) L.D.A. cum Cashier. The Accountant maintains the Cash Book, Subsidiary Cash Book, Cheque Register, Passing of Bills and deals with matters relating to all Audit objections. Assistant Acciountant and Additional Account Assistant are to prepare cheques for MNREGS, pass payment of the Muster rolls, Updating Cash Book , ledger and bank reconciliation statement. LDA cum Cashier assist the Accountant in preparation on bills and record keeping of matter relating to accounts, bills on contigencies and other miscellaneous bills. |
5. Establishment Section:- | In this section, there is 1 (one) U.D.A., 1 (one) L.D.A., 2 (two) peons, 1(one) Senior Gram Sevak, 9 (nine) Gram Sevak and 2(two) Gram Sevikas.The U.D.A deals with file works,corrrespondences and matters relating with establishment. L.D.A. deals with file works, correspondence, Issue, Receipt and to assist the U.D.A. The Gram Sevaks are field functionaries, monitor and oversee to the proper implementation of all schemes on the field and provides feed back to the B.D.O. Gram Sevikas are also entrusted with the task of nurturing SHG’s and also to help in their formation, for which targets have been fixed. In the Office, they also deal with matters relating to IGNOAPS, IGNWPS, IGNDPS, NFBS etc. |
Projects undertaken: :
The office is responsible for implementation of the different Developmental Schemes of both the Central and the State Government for the over-all development of the people of the area. Names of such Schemes are enumerated below :-
SL.No. | Acronym | Description |
1 | MPLADS | Beneficiaries and Implementing Agencies are identified by the Hon'ble MPs and funds are released to the Blocks for implementation viz. Construction of Schools Buildings, Community Halls etc |
2 | IAY | To provide Low Cost Houses @ Rs.* per Unit to BPL families. |
3 | IGNOAP | To provide pensionery benefits @ Rs. * P.M. to any person who is in the BPL List who has crossed the age of 65 years to 79 years. To provide pensionery benefit @ Rs * pm to any person who is in the BPL list who has crossed the age of 80 years and above. |
4 | IGNDPS | To provide Pension @ Rs. * P.M. to the Disabled having disability certificate under and between ages 18 to 79 years and whose households are under the BPL category. |
5 | IGNWPS | Pensionery benefit @ Rs. * P.M. is provided to the widows of ages 40 years to 79 years and belonging to the BPL category. |
6 | SGSY | The main aim of the Scheme is to raise the income level of the people living below poverty line by helping them in formation, development of self help groups and availing schemes through SGSY as revolving fund and project financing. |
7 | NFBS | A one time payment of Rs. * is paid to a BPL family which had lost a primary breadwinner. |
Role and Functions of the Office and Major projects undertaken:
The above are some of the Central Schemes while State Schemes of the MLA’s viz. SRWP, CRRP, DTFM, ISYDP, IACDP etc are also being implemented through the Block.
Presently, the major scheme being implemented is the MGNREGA which provides 100 days guaranteed employment to every Households who is willing to register under the Act. Wages of unskilled workers have been enhanced from Rs. * per day to Rs. * per day in 2015-2016 and Rs. * & Rs.* respectively for semi-skilled labourers. There are 87 VEC’s and 24 AEC’s, with 7238 registered House-holds within the Block. During the financial year 2014-2015, 136 projects were implemented viz. Water Harvesting Ponds, Rural Connnectivity, land Development, BNRGSK Buildings, Side Drains, Play Fields, Individual Households latrines which is in convergence with Swaach Bharat Mission. Most of the projects have been physically completed but not financially due fund constraint. Altogether, 6018 households were provided employment and 209947 mandays generated during 2014-2015.
For the financial year 2015-2016, 140 projects have been proposed at a total cost of Rs. *.
Photo Gallery :
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Water harvesting pond and drainage cum retaining wall at khlieh kshaid, Nongthymmai – lumthangding vec |
Play Field and Side Draincum Fencing at Umthli VEC |
Water harvesting pond and drainage cum retaining wall at khlieh kshaid, Nongthymmai – lumthangding vec
The Project was implemented by Nongthymmai Lumthangding VEC through MGNREGS 2012-2013 & 2013-2014 & 2014-2015. The total cost sanctioned for this Project is * Wages - * & Material – Rs. *.
Work commenced on 08/06/2012 and was completed on 20/10/2014 .
Water in this dam is conserved from natural springs which is being used for vegetation grown in and around the surrounding areas. Along with the Dam, a Drainage cum Retaining Wall is also constructed which surrounds the entire Dam. This project has also enhanced the scenic beauty and the local durbar is planning to breed fish as a means of livelihood for many youths and the proceeds of which will be utilized to help the poor and the needy of the village, besides improving other infrastructure of the village. It has also the potential of attracting both domestic and foreign tourists to this area and which may be a source of livelihood to the local youth by way of management, hospitality and the like.
Play Field and Side Draincum Fencing at Umthli VEC
The project was implemented by Umthli VEC at a sanctioned cost of *
Work commenced on 14/01/2013 and was completed on 26/10/2013. Out of the project proposals received from the VEC, construction of a Playfield was identified as the foremost need for the people of the village. It required a lot of heavy and laborious work to plough and level the field. The project will stand in good stead for utilization of the locals for various religious act, cultural programmes and more so for sporting activities as it stands at a good distance from the schools at Umthli and those in its adjoining areas.
Footpath from (i) Lummawbah to Rngikseh (ii). Parmaw to Lynti Miedlor - Swer VEC. |
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These footpaths at Swer village connect the villagers to their agricultural fields, thereby villagers can commute to their fields journey becoming less tedious and cumbersome. Implemented by VEC Swer at a sanctioned amount of Rs. 32,45,600/- (wages – Rs. 19,89,000/- Material cost – Rs. 12,56,600/-) for the projects, completion of the same within the timeframe has added to the beauty of the village and thus contributing to its community asset.
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Motorable road from (i) wahlyhong to weitlor (ii) mawpaitkynthei to sohphoh (swer) |
Water harvesting pond at wah khilon (umdiengpoh) |
BNRGSK at Dympep |
Motorable road from (i) wahlyhong to weitlor (ii) mawpaitkynthei to sohphoh (swer)
These Motorable Roads connect the village from the PWD Road to their agricultural fields, thereby the transportation of agricultural produce becomes way much easier and faster. These project are being implemented by VEC Swer at an estimated cost of * (Wages - * , Material Cost – *) respectively.
Water harvesting pond at wah khilon (umdiengpoh) The Water Harvesting Pond at Wah Khilon implemented by Umdiengpoh VEC at a sanctioned cost of * ( Wages - *, Material Cost - *) only is sure to be a blessing in this village whereby it is envisaged that the village will have potable drinking water even in dry seasons. This project perhaps will go a long way to solving the water crisis in the village and hence beneficial to the people in the village
BNRGSK at Dympep The BNRGSK building was implemented by Dympep VEC under Synrangsohnoh AEC at a total cost of *. |
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IAY- Robin Nongkynrih, a resident of Iewmawlong was staying in a dilapidateed house. Being the only earning member of the family by doing menial work, he was finding in extremely difficult to make both ends meet. The benewfit of IAY has enabled him and his family to live life more comfortably.
NSAP- Scheme under the NSAP (i.e IGNOAPS,IGNWPS,IGNDPS & NFBS) are of great benefit to thre ruralpoor. While such benefits render financial assistance to the beneficiaries the same also enhance great sence of social security. Scheme like NFBS is a source of solace to many bereaved families in times of great stresss where a family loses a primary bread winner and also whereby the family is in great need of financial assistance. In all, the schemes under NSAP are in many ways a boon to many poor households within this Block. |
Nongtymmai Raid Nongkynrih village is located at a distance of approximate 18 Km from the Block Headquarter. Presently, there are 80 Nos. of households with a population of 450. The Durbar played a pro-active role in sensitizing the inhabitants of the village on the need to have proper sanitation and to ensure a clean environment. In the year 2010, the VWSC was formed and after receiving financial assistant from the Government through the SBM Programme, toilets were constructed. The durbar then took further steps and solid-liquid waste were disposed off in a proper manner. People have expressed their gratitude to the Government for making their life so much better.
Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA) |